Help us make a difference to the animals in our community
Like any charity, one of our main priorities is raising money to keep our activities going. However, as we’re an arm of the national RSPCA, many people think we have 'millions' of pounds. This is certainly not the case! We are a local, self-funded branch and a separate charity to the national RSPCA.
All the money we spend on animals in Stourbridge and surrounding areas must be raised by us.
A donation can help us to rescue and rehome more animals.
Financial Donations
There are several ways you can donate to our branch. You can use the PayPal Donate button to set up a secure one off or regular monthly payment or Direct Debit.
Alternatively, you could send a cheque, set up a standing order or, if a cash donation is best for you, then please email our branch treasurer at who will be able to advise on how to go about making your donation.
Leaving a Legacy
A legacy to RSPCA Stourbridge & District Branch will provide crucial funds. We could not carry out our work without such generous support.
You can do this by making a Will or adding a Codicil (a document which specifies alterations to your Will). If you’re making a Will, please remember that the RSPCA Stourbridge & District Branch, and all the other RSCPA branches, are separately registered charities run by volunteers.
So, if you would like our work to benefit animals in your local area, we would respectfully suggest that your legacy reads as follows:
I give the sum of £..... (or specify a share of residue) to the RSPCA Stourbridge & District Branch, Registered Charity Number 205759, for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer or other proper officer of said Branch for the time being shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.
Please note that a Will or Codicil needs to be properly witnessed and you should obtain legal advice.
Gifts to registered charities are generally exempt from Inheritance and Capital Gains Tax, so a gift to your local RSPCA branch would therefore greatly benefit local animals with minimum burden to your estate.
Donate Pet Food
We are always grateful to receive good quality pet food to feed our animals in care. Donations of pet food release funds to be used elsewhere within the branch. We mostly need cat, rabbit and guinea pig food. Whiskas pouches are always able to be used! You can donate food through our Amazon Wishlist.
We are also grateful of any donations to our pet food bank. If you would like to donate, please contact our volunteer Faye to arrange drop off in Stourbridge town centre.